Monday 25 May 2009

Well another month has whizzed past :)

May has seen the addition to our household of a fourteen year old black neutered tom cat called Bagheera - he seems to like us, possibly due to swapping two slaves and a tidy suburban garden for 4 slaves and a jungle!

Also of note on the wildlife front are the great spotted wood peckers nesting in the ash tree just outside the back of the garden - visible from the kitchen sink as we wash up!! The young seem nearly fledged as black white and red heads can be seen popping out of the hole in the tree trunk whenever the parents approach accompanied by a loud squawking similar to that of a blackbirds alarm call.

I've also managed to make contact again with my best friend from school - we were still living where we had been last time we met, with the same phone numbers and only 15 miles apart, however had drifted out of touch. Really nice to see her, she has successfully survived bilateral breast cancer and is looking well if a little on the thin side. A bonus was being sold tickets to a do in her local community centre for which she is the keyholder - as part of the Leek festival, canadian folk group Crowfoot were performing - really good, husband another friend and I really enjoyed it. Wincle beer was supped and CDs were purchased.

An atypical bank holiday today - bright and sunny, was so nice yesterday we sat outside at my brother's barbieing and chatting till tennish, also atypically I imbibed most of a bottle of rose with no ill effects today (two glasses is normally my limit!!).

Bye for now xx