Monday, 26 July 2010


Well a lot of water has passed under my bridge (so to speak) since November :)

My first year at Uni has gone well - all marks were top of 2:1 or firsts (sadly they don't feed into my final mark), so a good start: however need to tighten up a bit next year - recording left a lot to be desired :)

My practice is developing - I seem to be moving towards conceptual and activity based stuff at the moment. I'd like to get back to print making and start drawing and painting again - the black cloud keeps swallowing everything at the moment though.

I've started to get involved in the Art scene in Stoke - volunteering for the Common Ground art initiative in Hanley Park last month (this was a lot of fun, including helping to install a work in the middle of a small water feature) and for "shop" next month. I've also put a bid in for one of a series of interventions in West Bromwich, more for practice and CV kick starting than in the hope of actually being chosen as an agent for change, though it would be good to be involved.

On the home front I'm perilously close to insolvency and really need to put my CV into local businesses for some retail or similar work or we won't be able to pay the mortgage come November eek!